Need More Info?
Find out if CBA is right for you:
If you’re interested in finding out more about enrolling your student in Calvary Baptist Academy,
Review our beliefs, our mission and vision, and our goals carefully.
Meet with an Administrator
If you are exploring Christian Education and would like to meet with a principal or administrator to discuss this further, you may call our school office or send an email and we will contact you to schedule a meeting call or email the school to arrange a time to receive an informational packet that tells you more about our school
Tour Our School
After you contact us, we will schedule a time for you tour the school, meet our teachers, see the campus, and get to know the students.
After visiting CBA, your child is invited to “Shadow” a student. This means your child can walk around with our own students for a half day or full day – attending classes and participating in all the activities that our students experience.