Dramatic Arts

Drama is for those students who are interested in sharpening their acting and technical skills, and desire to use those skills in drama. Class size may need to be limited depending on interest from year to year.
Beginning Drama
This course provides students opportunities to develop an appreciation and respect for the craft of acting as well as for the collaborative effort of all involved in producing stage productions. Attention is also given to improvement of personal and interpersonal skills through collaborative work and dramatic activities including improvisation and scene work.
Monthly Character First Chapels
Sept.-Oct. | Stratford Festival
Sept.-Oct. | Stratford Festival
Nov.-Dec. | Poetry Out Loud
Jan-March | MACS Fine Arts Preparation
Dramatic Arts
This course builds on the skills learned in Beginning Drama. This course provides students opportunities to develop an appreciation and respect for the collaborative effort of all involved in producing works of theater. Each student will develop a greater appreciation for the aesthetics of the dramatic arts, and criteria of an effective performance, and awareness of the historical influences and contributions of the theater by producing and performing the school’s theatrical productions. Through reading of the textbook and scripts, all aspects of the design process, and participating in the acting and directing aspects of productions, students will have an opportunity to become keenly aware of the theater world and the performing arts as a profession while preparing the school’s plays!
Sept – May | Character First Chapel
Sept.-Oct. | Choir/Drama Tour preparation
Oct. | Stratford Festival
Nov. | Choir/Drama Tour
Dec.-Jan. | Prepare for MACS
Mar.-Apr. | MACS Competition
Mar.-Apr. | Prepare for Spring Play
May | Spring Play
The Spring play requires after school time – Mon.-Fri. 3:30 – 5:30 or later on occasion.
Rehearsals are not every day and not every student is required to attend every rehearsal.