Financially support the ministry of CBA
We understand that the cost of Christian education is a prohibiting factor for some families and we desire to partner with generous donors to make a CBA education accessible for as many students as possible.
We have three primary ways in which you can partner with CBA financially, the Kings Annual Fund, the Scholarship Fund and our Endowment Fund. Gifts given to both of these funds are tax deductible.
The Kings Annual Fund is a way for parents and supporters to help make our school even better. It goes towards special things that would be too expensive to include in regular tuition, like new programs or equipment. Thanks to the generosity of past donors, our students have benefited from amazing resources that wouldn’t have been possible otherwise.
The Scholarship Fund offers financial assistance to families by helping cover the cost of tuition. This fund rarely maintains a balance as the need is always higher than the mount of funds available.
The Endowment Fund was created to help establish a strong financial future for the ministry. We desire to grow this fund as a nest egg for the future. As these funds are invested, we can use the future earnings as funding for scholarships and financial aid, faculty and staff enrichment, technology, and special projects. This fund ensures that Calvary has a permanent source of money for its future growth. You can help us secure the future of CBA by making a gift to our Endowment Fund.